Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Feet

This oil painting by Joan hangs in the All Saints Mission in Mutoko, Zimbabwe.

Blessed are the feet of him who brings good news of our lord Jesus Christ.
 I seemed to be kneeling at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. The folds of his woven garment fell around them.
 Oh the tenderness of feet and toes. How they can ache after a long day of standing. The agonizing pain of gout, a cracked or broken bone or a sprained ligament can disable walking for days or weeks or months.
The stubbing of a toe against a table leg or stone can send a thrill of pain almost to the spine.
The foot is so wonderfully crafted. There are the little bones of the toes, each small joint giving way to movement. Then the long bones and ligaments of the foot leading to the ankle which gives mobility. The curve of the heel, the arch of the instep and the ball of the foot lie underneath to provide a cushion.
How many miles did Jesus walk through the dust and sand of the desert, across rocky sun baked earth or up craggy rocky paths to the mountain tops?
Once, in a mysterious and miraculous way, Jesus walked on water, upheld buoyantly by his faith divinity and His Father’s great love. How cool and soft and unresistant it must have felt to him. How joyous.
In the coolness of the evening after a long, dusty day water was brought in, sandals were removed and feet were washed for cleanliness and refreshment then were carefully dried.
Mary Magdalene knelt before Jesus one evening, took his feet gently in her hands and washed them lovingly with her tears before drying them with her hair.
Our Lord cared for and comforted his tired disciples on the night of the last supper; an act of extremely love, servitude, humility and service.

And when at last you plumbed the depths of sin and took it from us and laid it on your shoulders, Lord Jesus, your feet were nailed to the cross.  J.R.

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